Paraquat Lawsuits

Paraquat dichloride is a chemical molecule that has been used as a herbicide since the 1950s. It is highly toxic and there is no known cure for it. Even a small amount of direct consumption can be fatal. Handling it requires special training due to its toxic nature. Despite being used as instructed, some people believe that paraquat poses a risk to the public.

Legal proceedings have been initiated by multiple parties due to the claims that have been made against it. Although paraquat use is still permitted in the US, it is a widely used pesticide that has been linked to Parkinson's disease. It is sold in concentrated form and mixed with water to spray on crops to eliminate weeds and grasses that are resistant to glyphosate. Farmers and agricultural laborers who come into contact with it are at a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Additionally, the use of paraquat on industrial farms exposes local residents to the poisonous pesticide.

Since paraquat poisoning has caused one to two deaths per year, handling it calls for special training. Even when paraquat is used as instructed, some critics contend that the public is still in danger. Although paraquat use is still permitted in the US by approved users, numerous lawsuits have been brought for the legal options and the claims that have been made.

Relation between parkinsons disease and PARAQUAT?

Parkinson’s disease is allegedly caused by long-term exposure to the common pesticide paraquat which is popularly used and sold in concentrated form and is mixed with water and sprayed on crops. When it comes to eliminating weeds and grasses that are glyphosate-resistant, it has shown to be quite effective. Farmers are at risk in this scenario because they come into contact with the herbicide up close. Additionally used on industrial farms, the poisonous pesticide exposes local residents.

Parkinson’s lawsuit contends that manufacturers neglected to disclose the risk. Farmers, agricultural labourers, and others are being defended by attorneys in lawsuits for damages.


If you have been exposed to paraquat and have developed Parkinson's disease, there are several reasons why you may want to consider filing a case. A skilled paraquat attorney can help you file a claim for possible compensation, hold companies responsible for any wrongdoing, and raise awareness about the dangers of paraquat. There is no expense and no obligation for you get a free attorney discussion. Fill your details on and we will organise for a no-obligation free call.

Over 377 companies worldwide manufacture paraquat-containing products. Syngenta's Gramoxone brand is one of the most well-known in the US. The lawsuit could have an impact and make more users aware of the dangers of using this and how to save lives.


If you have been exposed to paraquat and have experienced health issues, you may be able to sue the producers and distributors of the chemical in the US. This applies to anyone who has been directly exposed to paraquat or currently lives or previously lived in an agricultural area where it may have been used. It is advisable to speak with a lawyer to review the merits of your case if you have Parkinson's disease or have been exposed to paraquat.

Although there is no evidence at this time to suggest that indirect exposure to paraquat increases the risk of Parkinson's, there is a lot of evidence indicating that even a small amount of the chemical can be hazardous if swallowed. It is important to note that you do not need to be an employee in the agricultural industry or have worked in paraquat manufacturing to file a lawsuit. If you are not sure, let us help you by organising a call with partner attorney at no cost to you.

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